61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science GV-SOLAS

September 11 – 13,  2024, Würzburg, Germany

61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science GV-SOLAS

September 11 – 13,  2024, Würzburg, Germany


Baroque beauty on the River Main

The lively university town on the Main lies amid vineyards, overlooked by its landmark, the Marienberg Fortress. The undisputed architectural highlight is the prince-bishop’s residence, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981. Balthasar Neumann created this “palace above all palaces” with its famous staircase and the world’s largest ceiling fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. The 300th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of this magnificent building was in 2020. The late Gothic Marienkapelle, the Haus zum Falken with its magnificent rococo façade and St. Kilian’s Cathedral, the fourth largest Romanesque church in Germany, are also a must on any sightseeing tour. Würzburg’s lively cultural scene offers attractive events all year round, including the renowned Mozart Festival, the rousing Africa Festival or the Harbour Summer. The award-winning Museum im Kulturspeicher, the Museum für Franken with the world’s largest Riemenschneider collection, the impressive Museum am Dom, galleries and theatres complete the palette. Wine lovers enjoy wine tastings in the large wineries and the many atmospheric wine festivals in the summer months.

Important dates

January 22, 2024
Opening of the abstract system

March 25, 2024
Opening of the registration

May 19, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission

May 26, 2024
Renewal deadline for abstract submission

June 17, 2024
Dispatch of acceptance notification

July 1, 2024
Deadline for early bird registration

From July 2, 2024
Regular registration

August 26, 2024
Start of late booker registration

September 11 – 13, 2024


Registration is open

Abstract submission is open

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